Techemistry Blog

ZeroSSL with IIS 10

5/3/2019 5:11:00 PM -- Ted Krapf

<div>I have an IIS 10 server behind a VPN/Firewall, and was bound and determined to use Let's Encrypt even though the server can't be reached by Let's Encrypt to authorize the SSL certificate request.</div> <p>I ran across, but was very confused has how to successfully complete the process.&nbsp; Here's my suggestions that allowed me to get it working:</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <ol> <li>In IIS, create a Certificate Request (CR).&nbsp; Copy the contents of the CR to the clipboard.</li> <li>Start the Free SSL Cert process on</li> <li>Leave the domains box blank, paste in the CR from above</li> <li>Click next to have zerossl create the LetsEncrypt key (on the left side)</li> <li>SAVE the LetsEncrypt Key that it creates for you (you'll need this for renewals)</li> <li>Click next to have the certificate generated</li> <li>The cert generated will contain TWO keys.&nbsp; Save its entire contents, but then make a SEPARATE .cer (txt) file that contains ONLY the first key from cert generated.</li> <li>Return to IIS, use the Complete Certificate Request wizard.</li> <li>Provide your .cer file that ONLY has the first key in it.</li> <li>Finish the wizard and then handle your site binding(s) per usual.</li> </ol> <p>Rock n' roll.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>Hope this helps someone in the future.</p> <ol> </ol>

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